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I’ve just returned from walking the Portuguese Camino—10 days, 270 km on foot, incredible people met, and a lifetime of memories made.

The journey was filled with defining moments, but one, in particular, stood out to me and my walking companions.

In life, we sometimes face choices that have the power to shape the next few years or even decades. These are opportunities that could lead to great rewards—or perhaps to nothing at all. During this trek, I encountered one of those moments.

Without going into detail, on day seven, I found myself at a crossroads: I had to choose between finishing the walk with my brothers, the Camino Cowboys, or pursuing a connection with a girl who had stolen my heart. It was a decision that could lead to something amazing or end up as nothing.

As you can guess from the fact that I’m writing this, I chose to follow my instincts and chase after her.

People often say, "Follow your instincts" or "Listen to your intuition," but what does that mean?

To me, it means tuning in to that internal voice, feeling a magnetic pull toward something, and letting that guide your decisions. It’s not always easy, especially when emotions cloud your judgment.

Learning to trust your instincts is a skill that too many people overlook.

These gut feelings typically manifest in the body, not the mind—more a sensation than a thought—and they’re always there, no matter how much we try to suppress them.

They wait patiently, reminding us when something doesn’t feel right and suggesting there could be something greater on the horizon.

Mastering the art of trusting your instincts can open up endless opportunities. While we may not fully understand what intuition is, one definition seems to capture it well: ‘the ability to immediately understand something without conscious reasoning’.

The challenge is that many people don’t trust their instincts enough—either because they rarely follow them or do so without even realising it.

Every day, we are presented with countless opportunities to follow our instincts. Yet, when faced with big, life-changing decisions, people often struggle to trust their gut the same way they would with smaller choices.

Our minds are quick to dismiss instincts, especially when they seem far-fetched or push us beyond our comfort zones. The mind operates based on past experiences and what it already knows. But when it comes to making these pivotal decisions, sometimes we need to step into the unknown—trusting and having faith in the feeling, even if we don’t know the outcome.

The only way we can build confidence in this is by doing.

Here are a few things I focus on when following my instincts which might be helpful to you if you want to be more aligned with who you want to be.


When following your instincts, you must let go of control—control over the outcome and the process itself.

Trust the journey, knowing that you can't control every step. Control, at its core, is often rooted in fear—fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of embarrassment.

Letting go of control means releasing that fear and allowing yourself to move forward freely.


To truly follow your instincts, you must first learn to trust them. Trust that there’s a reason you're feeling drawn in a certain direction, and trust that a better outcome is waiting on the other side.

This is the essence of how we come to realise our instincts. By trusting that there’s a greater purpose behind them, we can move forward with confidence, knowing each step aligns with our true intentions.


When making instinctive decisions you need to be aligned with your higher self and aware of your emotions so they don't throw you off the path.

Emotions can often cloud our judgment, leading us to confuse emotional reactions with true instinct. The key is to listen to your instincts objectively, without letting emotions distort the message. By doing so, you ensure that your decisions are guided by clarity, not emotional impulse.


Accepting that your instincts might lead to nothing is crucial. You must let go of the outcome and fully embrace the experience of the journey.

When following your instincts, the path itself may become the defining moment—the reason you move in that direction—more so than the outcome of the decision.

Releasing your attachment to outcomes allows you to be open and accepting of whatever comes your way.


In essence, if you live a life guided by inner callings, intuition, and instincts, you'll likely align more closely with a higher version of yourself. Being true to who you are, and taking risks to move forward positively, will only open new doors and offer richer experiences.

In my case, following the instinct to pursue this girl has taken me on a path that might bear fruit. But the success of that decision is something I won't be able to truly measure until much later in life.


I am Will Flindall, host of the Valley of Outlaws Podcast where I speak to those who have decided to take control of their life and follow a passion or instinct.

If you feel like you could be getting more from your life, then maybe one of the conversations I’ve had with the Outlaws might help you kickstart a change.

Peace x



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